Browse Items
- ?
- 1400s
- 1500s
- 1600s
- 1700s
- 1800s
- 1810s
- 1820s
- 1830s
- 1840s
- 1850s
- 1860s
- 1870s
- 1880s
- 1890s
- 1900s
- 1910s
- 1920s
- 1930s
- 1940s
- 1950s
- 1960s
- 1968
- 1970s
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 1st Edition
- 2000s
- 2010s
- 2020s
- 420
- Abbie Hoffman
- Abraham Lincoln
- Acapulco Gold
- Acid
- Activism
- Addiction
- Advertisement
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- African American
- Agent
- Agriculture
- Alabama
- Alan Watts
- Albert Hofmann
- Alcohol
- Alcoholism
- Aldous Huxley
- Aleister Crowley
- Aleppo
- Alex Grey
- Alexandria
- Algeria
- Alice in Wonderland
- Aliens
- Alkaloid
- Allen Ginsberg
- Alphonse Mucha
- Alton Kelley
- Amazon
- American Hemp
- American Medical Association
- Americana
- Amesville
- Amsterdam
- Ancient
- Andrew Weil
- Animals
- Ann Arbor
- Anodyne
- Anti-Drugs
- Antique
- Aphrodisiac
- Apothecary
- Apothecary Jars
- Apothecary1
- Appalachia
- Appalachian Mountains
- Arab
- Arabia
- Arabian
- Arabic
- Argentina
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Art
- Article
- Asheville
- Asia
- Ask Ed
- Assassin
- Assassin of Youth
- Asthma
- Athens
- Athens County
- Australia
- Austria
- Autobiography
- Avalon Ballroom
- Ayahuasca
- Baby
- Back from Miami
- Backlisted
- Baghdad
- Bajadery
- Bambu
- Bangua
- Barbiturate
- Bayer
- Beat Generation
- Beatles
- Bedouin
- Beer
- Belgium
- Belladonna
- Benefit
- Benjamin Franklin
- Berkeley
- Berlin
- Bethlehem
- Bhang
- Bibliography
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Graham
- Biography
- Biological
- Biology
- Black Americana
- Black History
- Black Panther Party
- Bob Dylan
- Bobby Seale
- Boericke & Tafel
- Bolivia
- Book
- Book Image?
- Book Plate
- Borneo
- Boston
- Botanical
- Botanical Needs Photo
- Bottle
- Box 2 - DC Exhibit
- Box103
- Brampton
- Brass
- Brazil
- Breaking
- Breastfeeding
- British
- British Columbia
- Brochure
- Bromide
- Bromidia
- Bronchitis
- Bronze
- Brooklyn
- Brotherhood of Eternal Love
- Buffalo
- Bulgaria
- Bureau of Narcotics
- Business
- Button
- C-1
- Cactus
- Cafe
- Cairo
- Calcutta
- California
- California Marijuana Initiative
- Calligraphy
- Calomel
- Calvin Coolidge
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Canadian Hemp
- Canapa
- Canary seed
- Cancer
- Canna-Business
- Cannabin
- Cannabinaceae
- Cannabinoid
- Cannabis
- Cannabis Activism
- Cannabis Americana
- Cannabis Americana exhibit
- Cannabis and mental illness
- Cannabis Art
- Cannabis Cookbook
- Cannabis Cultivation
- Cannabis Culture
- Cannabis Cup
- Cannabis Deserts
- Cannabis indic
- Cannabis Indica
- Cannabis Industry
- Cannabis Museum
- Cannabis Museum Library
- Cannabis Sativa
- Cannabis Spuria
- Cannabis tincture
- Caribbean
- Cartel
- Cartoon
- Catalog
- Catarrh
- Cats
- Central America
- Ceramic
- Chanvre
- Charles Darwin
- Chemical Company
- Chemicals
- Chemistry
- Chemists
- Chibouk
- Chicago
- Chicago Seven
- Chiefs
- Children
- Children's Medicine
- Chile
- China
- Chinatown
- Chinese
- Chloral Hydrate
- Chlorodyne
- Chloroform
- Chocolate
- Cholera
- Chosen for Museum Studies-March 2022
- Chris Jennings
- Christianity
- Cigarette
- Cincinnati
- Citizens
- City Lights
- City Lights Pocket Poets Series
- Civil Liberties
- Clay
- Club des Hashischins
- Coca
- Cocaine
- Codeine
- Coffee
- Coffeeshops
- Cold
- Cold War
- Collection
- Collectors Guide
- Colonialism
- Color Print
- Colorado
- Columbia
- Columbus
- Comedy
- Comic
- Comic Book
- Comix
- Commander Cody
- Communist
- Compendium
- Compound
- Concert
- Confiscated
- Congo
- Congress
- Connecticut
- Consciousness
- Conspiracy
- Constantinople
- Constipation
- Consumption
- Container
- Cookbook
- Cooking
- Copper
- Cordage
- Corn Cure
- Corn Plasters
- Cough Cure
- Counterculture
- Court
- Crack
- Crete
- Crime
- Crisler Arena
- Croup
- CT.20220113
- Cuba
- Cultivation
- Culture
- Czech
- Dagga
- Dakka
- Danish
- Dave Sheridan
- DC - African Pipe
- DC Exhibit
- Dealer
- Decriminalization
- Denmark
- Denver
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Justice
- Detective
- Detroit
- Dictionaries
- Diggers
- Disney
- Djibouti
- Doctors Kit
- Dope
- Dose
- Drawer pull
- Drug
- Drug Abuse
- Drug Manufacturer's Catalog
- Drug Policy
- Drug Store
- Drug Trade
- Drug Use
- Drug War
- Druggist
- Drugs
- Duplicate
- Dutch
- Dwight Eisenhower
- Economy
- Ed Rosenthal
- Ed Sanders
- Edibles
- Edinburgh
- Education
- Egypt
- Elephant
- Elixirs
- Embossed
- England
- English
- Engraving
- Entheogen1
- Environment
- Ergot
- Eritrea
- Erratica
- Espionage
- Ether
- Europe
- Experimental Theater
- Extract
- Faience
- Family Dog
- Farmers
- Fashion
- Female
- Festival
- Fever
- Fiber
- Fiber Plant
- Fiber processing
- Fillmore
- Film
- Fitz Hugh Ludlow
- Flashbacks
- Flax
- Flax and Hemp
- Flax Cultivation
- Flax Fiber
- Flax processing
- flax tool
- flax tools
- Florida
- Flowers
- Flyer
- Folio
- Folk Costumes
- Food
- Food and Drug Administration
- Formula
- Formulary
- France
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Franklin Square
- French
- Fumeur
- Fungus
- Gangs
- Ganja
- Gary Grimshaw
- gb
- Geography
- George H.W. Bush
- George W. Bush
- George Washington
- German
- Germany
- Ghana
- Glass
- Glassmaking
- Gonorrhea
- Goths
- Gourd
- Government
- Grande Ballroom
- Grass
- Grateful Dead
- Greece
- Grinder
- Grow
- Growing
- Guatemala
- GuestRoom1-2
- GuestRoom2-6
- GuestRoom2-7
- GuestRoom3-4
- GuestRoom4-4
- GuestRoom6-1
- GuestRoom6-2
- GuestRoom7-1
- Guide
- Guysville
- H.K. Mulford
- Habit
- Hachich
- Hackles1
- Hackles3
- Haight Ashbury
- Haiti
- Hallucinogenic
- Hallucinogenic Drugs
- Hallucinogenic Plant
- Hallucinogens
- Hand written tag
- Handbill
- Handbills
- Handbook
- Handwritten
- Hanf
- HannahBkShelf-33
- HannahBkShelf-44
- HannahBkShelf-45
- HannahBkShelf-46
- HannahBkShelf-62
- HannahBkShelf-64
- HannahBkShelf-74
- HannahBkShelf-76
- HannahBkShelf-82
- HannahBkShelf-84
- Harem
- Harlem
- Harper
- Harrison Narcotics Tax Act
- Harry Anslinger
- Harvard
- Harvest
- Haschisch
- Hasheesh
- Hashish
- Hawaii
- Health
- Heckle
- Hells Angels
- Hemlock
- Hemp
- Hemp Activism
- Hemp blend paper
- Hemp Clothing
- Hemp Cultivation
- Hemp Farming
- Hemp fiber
- Hemp fiber business
- Hemp Fuel
- Hemp Harvest
- Hemp importer
- Hemp Industries
- hemp industry
- Hemp Paper
- Hemp Processing
- Hemp Rally
- Hemp Rope
- Hemp Seeds
- Hemp Tool
- hemp tools
- Hemp1
- HempFest
- Henbane
- Henry David Thoreau
- Henry de Monfreid
- Herbal
- Herbert Hoover
- Herbs
- Heroin
- HH1
- High Times
- Hindu
- Hippie
- History
- Hollywood
- Homeopathic
- Hong Kong
- Hookah
- Hops
- Horowitz Item Type
- Hot Tuna
- Hottentot
- House of Representatives
- HouseCabinet6
- HouseShelf2-4
- HouseShelf3-2
- HouseShelf4-2
- HouseShelf5-1
- HouseShelf5-2
- HouseShelf5-4
- Houston
- Humboldt
- humidor
- Humor
- Humulus
- Hunter S. Thompson
- Hypnotic
- Hypodermic
- Illinois
- Illuminati
- Illustrated
- India
- Indian Cannabis
- Indian Hemp
- Indiana
- Indica
- Indonesia
- Industrial
- Industrial Hemp
- Infant's Medicine
- Insanity
- Insomnia
- Internal Revenue Service
- Intoxicants
- Intoxication
- Iowa
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- Istanbul
- Italy
- J. Edgar Hoover
- Jack Casady
- Jack Kerouac
- Jade glass
- Janis Joplin
- Japan
- Jazz
- Jerry Rubin
- Jersey City
- Jerusalem
- Jesse Ventura
- Jewelry
- Jim Morrison
- Jimi Hendrix
- Job
- Johannesburg
- John F. Kennedy
- John Hancock
- John Hanson
- John Lennon
- John Sinclair
- John Sinclair Freedom Rally
- Johnson & Johnson
- Joint
- Jorma Kaukonen
- Journal
- Journalism
- Judaism
- Just Say No
- Justice
- Jute
- Kalamazoo
- Kashmir
- Kathmandu
- Ken Kesey
- Kenex
- Kentucky
- Kenya
- Kif
- KMA Exhibition 2022
- Konopi
- Korea
- L.rd.2
- La Grippe
- Labor
- Laboratory
- Laos
- Large bottle cabinet
- LargeWoodCabinet3
- LargeWoodCabinet8
- Las Vegas
- Latin America
- Law
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
- Lebanon
- Lee Bridges
- Legal
- Legalization
- Lenny Bruce
- Lexington
- Libya
- Lilly
- Linen
- Liquor
- Lithograph
- LL
- Lloyd Brothers
- Lloyd DC
- Lloyd Tags 8/4
- Location-A3:
- Location-B8:
- Location-C6:
- Location:BoxJ004
- Log/Recording
- London
- Lone Ranger
- Long Island
- Loom
- Los Angeles
- Louisiana
- Louisville
- Love
- Love-In
- Lydia Pinkham
- Macedonia
- Madison
- Mafia
- Magazine
- Magic
- Maine
- Majestic Exhibit
- Malaysia
- Male
- Manifesto
- Manila
- Manual
- Manufacturing
- Maria Sabina
- Marihuana
- Marijuana
- Marseille
- Marx Brothers
- Mary Jane
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Materia Medica
- Max Fruchtermann
- MC5
- Medellin
- Medical
- Medical Cannabis
- Medical Journal
- Medical Marijuana
- Medicinal
- Medicinal Plants
- Medicine
- Medium Folder Needs Photo
- Mental Health
- Mental Illness
- Merck
- Merrell
- Mescaline
- Metal
- Methadone
- Mexican Drug Trade
- Mexico
- Michael Horowitz
- Michael McClure
- Michigan
- Michigan Marijuana Initiative
- Middle East
- Mike Bifari
- Mill
- Millbrook
- Milwaukee
- Minnesota
- Missing?
- Missouri
- MKUltra
- Montana
- Monthly
- Montreal
- Morphine
- Moscow
- Mota
- Moved Cville-10/5/21
- Movie
- Movie Poster
- Museum
- Museum Studies
- Mushrooms
- Music
- Myanmar
- Mysticism
- Narcotics
- Narghile
- Narguila
- Native American
- Natives
- Nausea
- Nazi
- Neal Cassady
- Nebraska
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- Nettle
- Nevada
- New From Jennings
- New Guinea
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New Orleans
- New York
- New York City
- New Zealand
- New003
- Newark
- Newspaper
- NFT project
- Niagara
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- Norman Mailer
- Norml
- North Africa
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Norway
- Not on my Horowitz XLS from Don
- Nova Scotia
- Nude
- Oakland
- Oaksterdam University
- Oaxaca
- Occult
- Oceania
- Ohio
- Oils
- Ointment
- Olde English
- Ontario
- Opening Artifact Showcase
- Opiates
- Opii
- Opium
- Opium cultivation
- Opium Pods
- Order Form
- Oregon
- Overdose
- Owsley Stanley
- Painting
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Panama
- Papaver
- Paper
- Paperback
- Papine
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Paraphernalia
- Paris
- Parke, Davis & Co.
- Pashtun
- Patent Medicine
- Paul Krassner
- Paul Stanford
- Peace Pipe
- Pennsylvania
- Penny Magazine
- Persia
- Peru
- Peter Coyote
- Peter Messenger
- Peyote
- Pharmaceutical Catalog
- Pharmaceutical Journal
- Pharmaceutical Preparations
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacopoeia
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy Counter
- Pharmacy Interior
- Phil Ochs
- Philadelphia
- Philippines
- Philosophy
- Photograph
- Photography
- PhotoLab March 2022
- Physicians
- Pill
- Pipe
- Piso
- Plants
- Plasters
- Playboy
- Pneumonia
- Poetry
- Poison
- Poison Bottles
- Police
- Political Satire
- Politics
- Poppy
- Porcelain
- Portfolio
- Portfolio1Med.
- PortfolioLarge C
- PortfolioLargeC
- PortfolioMedA
- PortfolioMedB
- PortfolioSmallB
- PortfolioXL
- PortfolioXLB
- PortfolioXLBi
- PortfolioXXLB
- Postcard
- Pot
- Pot for Peace
- Pottery
- Powder
- Preparation
- Prescription
- Prescription Drugs
- Price Catalog
- Prison
- Processing
- Program
- Prohibition
- Propaganda
- Proprietary Medicines
- Psilocybin
- Psychedelic
- Psychedelic Art
- Psychedelic Drugs
- Psychedelic Experience
- Psychedelics
- Psychoactive
- Psychology
- Psychopharmacology
- Psychotherapy
- Psychotropic Drugs
- Psychotropic Plants
- Pulp Fiction
- Punks
- Pure Food and Drug Act
- Quack Medicine
- Quebec
- Quicksilver Times
- Quinine
- R. Gordon Wasson
- Racism
- Railroad
- Rainbow Family
- Rally
- Ralph Metzner
- Ram Dass
- Rawanda
- Rawleigh's
- Reefer
- Reefer Madness
- Reference
- Reggae
- Religion
- Remedies
- Report
- Research
- Resin
- Revolution
- Rheumatism
- Richard Nixon
- Rick Griffin
- Robert Anton Wilson
- Rochester
- Rock Against Racism
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
- Rock Band
- Rock Concert
- Rock n' Roll
- Rolling Papers
- Rolling Stone
- Romanian
- Ronald Reagan
- Rope
- Ropemakers
- Russia
- Rx
- Sacramento
- San Francisco
- Santana
- Sativa
- Scales
- School of Pharmacy
- Science
- Scotland
- Seattle
- Secret Histories
- Seeds
- Semen
- Sex
- Sexuality
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Shamanism
- Sharp & Dohme
- Shisha
- Signed
- Signed by Author
- Sinbad the Sailor
- Sinsemilla
- Slackers
- Sleeplessness
- Small Folder Needs Photo
- Smoke
- Smokers
- Smoking
- Smoking around the world
- Smoking Opium
- Smoking pipe
- Smoking4
- Smoking5
- Smoking6
- Smuggling
- Society
- Soldier
- Soma
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South America
- South Asia
- South Dakota
- Southeast Asia
- Spain
- Spanish
- Specific Medicines
- Spinning
- Spinning wheel
- Spirituality
- SS-Need label
- St. Louis
- St. Paul
- St. Thomas
- Stamp
- Stamps
- Standard Medicines
- Stanley Mouse
- Statue
- Stew Albert
- Stigma
- Stimulant
- Stoned
- Strychnine
- Sultan
- Summer of Love
- Surgeon
- Sweden
- Swedish
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Syringe
- Syrups
- Tablet
- Taiwan
- Tax Stamp
- Tea
- Teens
- Tel Aviv
- Tell Your Children
- Ten for Two
- Tennessee
- Terence McKenna
- Texas
- Textile
- Thailand
- Therapeutics
- Therapy
- Thomas Jefferson
- Tilden
- Timothy Leary
- Tincture
- Tobacco
- Tobacco case
- Toledo
- Tool
- Toronto
- Trade Paperback
- Trading Card
- Trafficking
- Trains
- Translation
- Treasury Department
- Treatment
- Tree Free Paper
- Tripping
- Tuberculosis
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkish
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Ulysses S. Grant
- Underground
- Underground Press
- Unidentified Horowitz
- United Kingdom
- United Nations
- United States
- Upjohn
- Valerian Root
- Venezuela
- Venice
- Vermin Supreme
- Vermont
- Veterinary
- Victor Moscoso
- Victorian
- Vienna
- Vietnam
- Vietnam War
- Vintage
- Vinyl
- Violence
- Virgin Islands
- Virginia
- Vomiting
- Vote
- Wales
- War
- War on Drugs
- War Resistance
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- Water Colored
- Water Pipe
- Wayne Kramer
- Weather Underground
- Weaverville
- Weaving
- Weed
- Wheel
- White Panther
- Wholesale
- William Randolph Hearst
- William S. Burroughs
- William Shakespeare
- Wine
- Winterland
- Wisconsin
- Women
- Women's Medicine
- Woodcut
- Woodrow Wilson
- Woodstock
- Working-Leary
- World War I
- World War II
- Wyeth
- Wyoming
- Yaka
- Yale
- Yemen
- Yippie
- Yippies
- Yoko Ono
- Zinc
- zulu